Taylor Mae Dean

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Oat “Flower” Pancakes (Gf)

Okay.. So the flowers are optional here.. And hey, the things we creators will do for the instagram. Or the gram as we like to call it.

Just a quick disclaimer please always check before adding flowers to food if they are in fact edible, some are not.

I grew these flowers at home and like to add them to dishes that need color, this variety are violas and they elevate the pancakes to a more unique level at least visually. The edible flowers do nothing here to enhance flavor. So again I say entirely unnecessary, but 💯 beautiful to look at.

Prep time: 15-20 minutes

Makes 6 medium-large size pancakes.



  • 2 cups gluten free oat flour

  • 2 teaspoons baking powder 

  • ½ tablespoon ground flax

  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon

  • ½ teaspoon salt

  • 1 cup plant milk

  • 1 cup water (add as needed to thin out batter)

  • 1 mashed banana

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla

  • Coconut oil for cooking (1 tablespoon)




1. Sift together oat flour, baking powder, ground flax, cinnamon, and salt in a large bowl.


2. In a separate bowl, place all other ingredients and stir to combine.


3. Transfer wet ingredients to the large bowl with dry ingredients. Mix well.


4. Heat a non-stick skillet with a dab of coconut oil or vegan butter. Proceed to add a ½ cup of batter. Cook pancakes on each side for 2-5 minutes until golden brown.