Holiday Vegan Wellington Loaf

I asked you guys on Facebook and Instagram what holiday themed recipe I could make and add to the blog. A few of you said a vegan holiday loaf or turkey substitute.

This is a rendition of a vegan lentil loaf I am excited to share with you all. A veggi loaf covered in puff pastry. This dish is mighty tasty.

So here we have a wonderful crowd pleaser main course you can have on the table that meat-lovers, veggie lovers, foodies can all enjoy as we give thanks for this holiday season. It’s a pleasing looking dish that will be inviting to all guests at the table. In my opinion cover anything in puff pastry and you are winning already.

This dish was created from ingredients I had in my pantry. . I suggest always that cooking be something creative and resourceful. I confess I did have to run to the grocery store and buy onions and puff pastry but that was about it. I found the chestnuts at my local grocery store and being a seasonal ingredient I bought them and have had them in my pantry for a few weeks now. I empower you to just use what you have and make the changes you need to.

I decided to add chic-peas to this dish instead of something like lentils, because I didn’t have any lentils in my pantry. Full disclosure.

Prep time 


Cooking time 35 -40 mins 

Total 1 hour 10 min

Servings 7 


  • Puff pastry 

  • 2 cups of chickpeas 

  • 1/2 cups of shelled cooked chestnuts 

  • 1 cup of walnuts 

  • 2 1/2 cups of mushrooms 

  • 1/4 cup of tomato purée 

  • 1/2 cup of Panko bread crumbs 

  • 2 small white onions 

  • 1 tablespoon of fresh chopped tarragon 

  • 1 tablespoon of rosemary 

  • 1/4 cup of fresh parsley

  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable bouillon 

  • 1 tablespoons of liquid aminos or soy sauce 

  • 1 teaspoon of cracked black pepper

  • 1 cup of ground vegan beef crumbles or crumbled tempeh

Pre prep: 6 hours before cooking remove puff pastry from the freezer and thaw . Either put in the refrigerator or on the counter.

Do this to prevent the puff pastry being too hard before going to work with it. 

  1. ) Using a food processor cut onion into quarters and add to a food processor with herbs process together the onions and herbs into fine pieces, you want texture, so not too fine or mushy. Pulse 4-5 times.

2.) Set aside onions and herbs .

3.) Again using the food processor pulse together the chestnuts, mushrooms, walnuts, chickpeas. Once you pulsed together set aside.  Roughly they should be about the same size as the onion and herb mixture. See pictures.

4.) In a medium size pot heat  2 tablespoons of olive oil on medium heat. To the hot pan add all veggies you just pulsed in the food processor. Cook veggi mixture for 20 mins uncovered being careful to stir the pan every 4-5mins. 

5.)Add to the veggie mixture while on the stove  1 tablespoon of veggie bouillon, 1 tablespoon of liquid amino’s, and the tomato purée. Mix to combine. 

6.)Taste veggi mixture for seasoning.

7.)Then remove pot and add the breadcrumbs and 1 cup of vegan ground beef crumbles, stir well to combine.

8.) Set cooked veggie mixture aside off the heat. And begin preparing the puff pastry.

9.) Preheat oven to 400 degrees 

Get ready a vegan egg wash or a little non dairy milk in a small bowl on the side with a rubber basting brush. 

Working with the Puff Pastry

1.) On a clean floured surface or on floured parchment paper lay flat your puff Pastry. 

2.) Using a rolling pin with gentle pressure roll out the puff pastry into a larger square. 

3.) Transfer to a pan and begin to add the filling into the middle of the puff pastry, try to form a even shaped log. 

4.) Once you have your veggi log fold one half of the puff Pastry over the other. Rub top and seal with either just egg mixture or plant milk mixture. Carefully shape the sides and then tuck the end pieced of puff pastry under the bottom of the Wellington on each side, careful to seal with your vegan egg mix.

Then proceed to baste the Wellington well with more egg mixture. This promotes browning while cooking.

At this time using a knife you can gently cut partially into the puff pastry to decorate. A grid pattern is a easy option.  Careful not to cut to deep, you don’t want to puncture into the puff you only want to score the outside.

5.) On a baking tray bake your Wellington for 35-40 min until golden brown all over.

6.) Once brown on all sides remove from oven and let cool, Enjoy with gravy, mash potatoes, or cranberry sauce. And have a happy holiday.


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