Roasted Grapes on the vine a very Grape Recipe

Grapes are a delicious and refreshing snack, a fruit that I had never thought of roasting ever in my life.. Until one day on instagram food creator I follow and admire artist, Sophia Rowe blew my mind with her take on roasted grapes. So one day I saw the opportunity present itself as I saw a very big bag of very unwanted grapes in my refrigerator.

All glories to fresh grapes love you, but I had been serving them out on Charcuterie boards for far too many private dinners in a row and you could not pay me to eat one more raw grape. Just to give context I am left with all these grapes from all my events and I was over eating them raw and cold in the refrigerator. It was winter and I had, had enough..

Raw juicy cold grapes please come back in Summer.. Winter is for roasting, and you all reading must try this. The flavor of roasted grapes is surprising, the flavors totally change when you roast a grape, the juices become sweeter in one sense but also less sweet. I’m sorry that is a confusing description.

I liken roasted grapes to roasted apples, a fresh apple versus a raw apple. This is the transformation that happens . What you are eating is comforting and warm and ughh.. So delicious. I recommend as a dessert, or a breakfast idea. Amazing. Definitely roast grapes for your friends. They will be impressed.

Wait a sec.. Please guys tell me you own a cast iron skillet ? If you don’t that is A-ok, a baking dish will work for this recipe.. But definitely think about investing in yourself and cooking with a cast iron skillet. Treat yourself to this amazing kitchen friend, who will be with you forever.. Unless you decide to become a minimalist and sell your house and start traveling the Americas seeking enlightenment .. They are a little heavy to carry in a backpack, yeah..

Fresh grapes placed in a cast iron pan

Roasted grapes out of the oven


Note: All spices are optional

  • 1 bunch of grapes

  • vanilla bean pod or 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract

  • 1 star-anise pod or powder

  • 1 tsp of olive oil

  • flaky salt

  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup or honey

  • 1 cup of frozen wild blueberries


Preheat over to 375 degrees

1.) In a bowl add olive oil, maple syrup, and vanilla mix to combine.

2.) Place your grapes in a baking dish and add your seasonings and oil mixture, massage with hands into the grapes

3.) then place grapes in the oven and bake for 25 -30 mins until fully cooked add also the wild blueberries. Very optional..

4.) Take out of oven and let cool before plating over some yogurt, nuts and seeds and honey. Enjoy as a dessert or breakfast option to eat with granola.


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