Taylor Mae Dean

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Soft Molasses Ginger Cookies (Vegan)

Anytime I use Molasses in my baking or see the ingredient I think of my 5th grade school teach Mr. Carnahan, a tall and semi lanky olive skinned man with very thick patterned glasses. Mr Carnahan had a famous iconic saying around the school yard,

“ You are slower than molasses in grass”.

What did that mean?.. I used to think.

Well it wasn’t until I started baking with this dark brown syrup I can see why that saying rings true. Molasses is very thick and it’s slow to come out of the bottle.. Wow that sounds like punchline to a very corny joke. Or is my head in the gutter? Maybe?

Molasses is essentially processed sugarcane juice or sugar beets. I don’t know what a sugar beet is, and I don’t care to research it for you…. Sugar cane grows in stalks. It is a grass and the grass is crushed to extract the juice. Molasses is created by sugar cane juice that is heated and the water is evaporated. Kind of like the process of maple syrup. Molasses, it tastes like to me a little bit metallic and slightly sweet, but not sweet enough to keep eating.

Mr. Carnahan also used to tell his students that everyday he would take a tablespoon of Molasses for his health. Not that you care dear reader, but Mr. Carnahan was something of a health enthusiast/ guru guy. His style or vibe was alternative liberal to say the least .. Well except for his widely known habit of smoking cigars at the back of the elementary school gym during lunch periods. He never imparted why that was a “healthy” thing to do. Yes, he was known for cigar smoking. I did some research for Molasses syrup to see what made it so healthy and it actually has some benefits:

Molasses is a good source of iron, selenium, and copper. The sweetener is also higher in antioxidants than all other sweeteners.

But ya know, it seems like you could just pop a vitamin and not have to eat a spoonful of molasses. I won’t question the actions of my 5th grade teacher though. The things he did never made sense to me until they did. Therin lies his wisdom and misunderstood genius? Maybe you the reader would have some guesses? Comment below if you do, dearest reader.

Other types of Molasses.

Manufacturers can also make molasses from sorghum, pomegranates my fav, carob, and dates.

Bottom line: There are several types of molasses, including light, dark, and blackstrap. Each has different properties.

Well, I’ve read enough and wrote enough about this magical black sweet antioxidant rich goo.. Let’s talk about these cookies. I love these cookies too much, in fact. They are not very sweet. Just the perfect amount. I’ll store them in a container and enjoy eating them with my coffee in the morning.

Before we continue I have a confession.. and that is that these cookies are actually just rebranded gingerbread cookies (mic drop)😂 yeah I know, well please withhold judgement reserve it if you will. It’s February now and I have been meaning to post this recipe ON THE BLOG for TWO YEARS!🙃


Gingerbread cookies are one of the easiest cookie doughs to make up /here’s my recipe. Very forgiving, very easy. You just need a rolling pin some bowls and parchment lined baking trays and you are good to go. I think the decorating part is the hardest part, so I default to flowers on top with a basic 🧁 icing.


  • 2/3 cup vegan butter

  • 3/4 cup of brown sugar

  • 2 tablespoons of egg replacement chia flax or powder

  • 1/3 cup of molasses unsulphured

  • 3 cups of all purpose flour

  • Pinch of salt

  • 1 tsp organic ginger powder or grated ginger

  • 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar

  • 1 tsp of cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice


1.) Mix together the butter, molasses, brown sugar, and apple cider vinegar together in separate bowl.

2.) Then sift dry ingredients together.

3.)Making a well with your hands in the bowl combine the wet with the dry ingredients and add your vegan egg replacement.

4.) Mix well to combine and form into a disk.

Let rest in the refrigerator for 30 mins before rolling and baking in a preheated 350 degree oven for 20-25min

Top with simple icing or decorations and enjoy.