Vegan GF Coconut Macaroons (2 ways) Golden Milk Macaroons and Pink Cardamom.

Use this recipe as your go to holiday cookie recipe or make for yourself during the weekday… This is a very uncomplicated easy to make sweet coconut macaroon recipe with a little spicy twist.

Enjoy and if you so feel inclined please do leave a review below of the recipe.

Makes: 20-24 cookies per Recipe

Prep: 5mins

Total time: 25min or less

Golden Milk Macaroons


  • 6 cups of shredded unsweetened coconut flakes or 1 bag

  • 1 can of coconut condensed milk

  • 1 tsp of cardamom

  • 1/2 tsp of ground ginger

  • 1 tsp of turmeric

  • 1 pinch of salt

  • vanilla splashy pooh


Pink Cardamom Macaroon


  • 6 cups shredded unsweetened coconut flakes or 1 bag

  • 1 can of coconut condensed milk

  • 1 tsp of cardamom

  • 2 tsp of beetroot powder

  • 2 tsp goji berry powder or sub for crushed freeze dried strawberries

  • vanilla spashy pooh

  • pinch of salt

Method for both

1.) In a cast iron pan or sautée pan start by dry toasting your unsweetened coconut until lightly brown. This brings out the nutty flavor of the coconut. This step is really optional however I like the added flavor this brings to the recipe.

NOTE: When toasting the coconut be sure to stand there stirring as you wait to see the coconut turn a light brown. Don't leave the stove or walk away as the coconut will burn very easily. This shouldn't take more than 10 mins on medium low heat.


2.)When coconut is toasted transfer quickly to a bowl to prevent the coconut from over cooking. Undercooked or toasted is better than burnt so be very careful not to over toast.

3.) Finally add your entire can of coconut condensed milk to the bowl of toasted coconut flakes.

4.) Mix very well to combine all the flakes with the coconut condensed milk.

Option: You can also add your spices and vanilla to the coconut flake and coconut condensed milk mixture.

5.) Add your spices and vanilla to the coconut flakes and coconut condensed milk mixture.


6.) Mix all ingredients together well using a rubber spatula, and using a mini scooper or your hands roll out your coconut macaroon balls and transfer onto a parchment paper lined baking sheet.


NOTE: The forming of the macaroons has to do with how they hold together. If the mixture is too wet then there is too much coconut condensed milk so you can fix this by adding more shredded coconut.

If the mixture is too dry you'll need to add a little more coconut condensed milk or you can add a tsp of water. You want the balls to hold together but not fall apart. Air on the side of common sense/ intuition, and then you will never have to follow a recipe again for this.

7.) Bake at 350 for 10-12 mins until you see light browning on top of the coconut macroons.

NOTE: Each oven is different and these cookies cook very quickly so if you have a oven light be sure to keep a eye on them. The bottoms will brown very fast and are prone to burning. Once you see light browning on top this is a sign you can take them out of the oven.

LET COOL 5-10 mins the cookies will firm up.



My tip for melting chocolate is to add coconut oil to the chocolate.

I do this and heat the chocolate chips in a little pan. The coconut oil does 2 things..

  • It prevents the chocolate from burning

  • The coconut oil makes the melted chocolate more liquid and will stay in peak drizzle form for longer than it would without the coconut oil.


1 cup of chocolate chips semi dark

1/3 cup of coconut oil


Add coconut oil to a small pan and heat until melted on medium low. Add chocolate and stir until chocolate has melted then turn off heat and use chocolate to drizzle over cookies.

Thanks for reading I hope this recipe helps you during this holiday season or whenever enjoy.


Vegan Pierogi with Cheese Potato and Caramelized Onions


Summer Zucchini Cakes (Oil Free) (GF)