Lemon Gingerade Tonic

Lemon and ginger are two ingredients I always try to keep stocked in my fridge or on my counter.   The benefits are numerous and elevate so many dishes and beverages I like to prepare.

I like to make a half-gallon glass jar of this, store it in my fridge and enjoy first thing in the morning to get my digestion going. This lemonade is spicy, sweet and refreshing. It is is one of my favorite beverages.So good for digestion, the stomach, and very balancing to the doshas. Give this one a try.

Prep time: 10 minutes

Makes 1 liter



  • 5 tablespoons fresh ginger juice

  • 4 cups water

  • ¼ cup lemon juice

  • ¼ cup raw honey (room temperature)

  • 1 drop lavender oil (optional)




1. Add ¼ cup chopped ginger and ½ cup of water to a juicer. Juice.


2. Add ginger juice and all other ingredients to a large measuring cup. Mix well until honey is dissolved, and enjoy.



I love to make a half-gallon glass jar of this, store it in my fridge and enjoy first thing in the morning to get my digestion going. This lemonade is spicy, sweet and refreshing. It is is one of my favorite beverages.


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