Oil Free Simple Tahini Dressing (V+GF)

If theres one salad dressing I had to make for the rest of my life it would be this simple dressing recipe. Tahini is amazing, if you don’t know what tahini is it is sesame seed paste. Like a nut butter but with seeds and its so versatile, so healthy, and very nutritious. I think its a great dressing for those trying to transition away from dairy based dressings as the tahini is very rich and nutrient dense.


Prep Time: 5 mins

Makes 1-2 cups




  • 1/3-cup well-stirred tahini (Middle Eastern sesame paste)

  • 1/4 cup plus 1-tablespoon fresh lemon juice

  • 1-tablespoon nutritional yeast

  • 2 garlic cloves, chopped

  •  2 teaspoon of Bragg’s amino acids (soy sauce)

  • 1/4-teaspoon of coconut sugar or agave (optional)

  • Black pepper (optional)

  •  Add water to obtain desired consistency


Blend together all ingredients. For  best results I recommend blending in a nutra bullet or vita-mix.

  Tahini dressing is my favorite base for dressing. I vary the ingredients every time I go to make this recipe. Sometimes I will use fresh ground Dijon mustard or vegan Worcestershire sauce or even add avocado to the base for a thickener and creamier dressing. If you find you have no lemons or limes in the house you can also use apple cider vinegar. I hope you all enjoy the recipe and don’t be afraid to mix it up.


Addictive Roasted Red Pepper Sauce (V +GF)