Raw Vegan No Bake Cheesecake (GF)

Creamy, delicious, raw and made with plants. Not to mention it’s no bake. This is a great recipe if you’ve never made a vegan dessert and you want to get your feet wet so to speak. This is really very easy and a great place to start on your vegan journey.

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Prep Time 30mins

Total time 7 hours

Makes 10-12 servings

Ingredients you will need

For the Crust

  • 1 1/4 gluten free old fashioned oats

  • 1/4 cup shredded coconut

  • 1/2 cup soaked dates (I used medjool)

  • 1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 1/4 cup salted mixed nuts

For the Cashew Cream Cheese Filling

2 cups soaked cashews

1/2 cup coconut cream

Vanilla (optional)

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1/4 cup coconut oil

Stevia 6 drops

2-3 tablespoons raw honey or 1/4 cup of maple syrup

Method for the Crust

1.) In a non stick pan or cast iron pan start by toasting your coconut flakes and gluten free oats on a medium to high heat for 4-5 mins until coconut starts to look very lightly toasted.

2.) Remove pan from heat and let sit to cool for a moment while you get your food processor together. For this no bake raw vegan cheese cake you will be almost exclusively using a high powered blender and food processor.

3.) To the food processor you are going to add your toasted coconut, oats, cinnamon, salt, coconut oil, dates, and mixed nuts.

4.) Process well until everything is combines and finely pulverized. (See video for correct texture). The dough should be a little bit pliable and sticky.

5.) With your hands you are going to take dough carefully from food processor and start using it to form a flat crust in a 9" spring form baking pan. The more flat and even the surface of the crust the nicer your cake will look when you cut into it.

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Method for the Cheesecake Filing

1.) In a high powered blender like a vita-mix or nutra bullet you are going to blend together throughly soaked cashews, coconut cream, stevia, maple syrup, vanilla, lemon juice. The result should be a very thick and creamy consistency.

2.) Taste the cashew cream mixture to make sure it's sweet enough to your liking. If you are adding chocolate on top or adding berries then you will want to adjust the sweetness level to your liking.

3.) Pour the cashew cream mixture into the springform pan on top of nut crust.

4.) Even out the top cream layer by gently dropping the pan onto the counter to remove any bubbles and level out the top layer so it is distributed evenly. (Be careful when doing this)

5.) Freeze covered 6 hours or overnight.

6.) Served chilled topped with fruit or chocolate and enjoy.

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