Taylor Mae Dean

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Vegan Custard Fruit Tart

This colorful fruit tart is beautiful, a wonder to the eyes, and personally so satisfying to make. Just looking at it- the colors are feminine, elegant, and eye catching and best of all.. Its something you make with your hands. Creating it how you want and decorating with fruit, edible flowers or whatever you like.

This tart makes a real impression at a fancy dinner party, baby shower, breakfast, brunch or any celebration. It’s something I love to bring to private dinner events I am hired to do, or breakfasts. It is light enough to be eaten as a evening dessert or a morning sweet treat. People who get to eat beautiful food feel even more cared for and you make them feel special. It impresses people every-time, and the truth is its actually not difficult to make. Once you make this tart for the first time I am sure you will be making more. It always impressed people and non vegans never know the difference, its simply beautiful food made uncomplicated.

What makes up this fruit tart recipe?

In this fruit tart we have 3 components:

The tart curst

The custard

The fruit on top.

We will start by making the tart crust and then the custard and lastly topping the tart with fruit.

What you will need

  • A 9-inch tart pan preferably a one with a removable bottom

  • rolling pin

  • courage to try something you’ve never tried before maybe 😄

Lets get started…

Noted: This recipe I have crafted should produce a little extra dough. I always find traditional recipes barely make enough dough. Its always frustrating, so enjoy this little extra. Put into the tart if you like or add it to another pan and bake. It’s your to create and have fun.

Ingredients for the tart crust

  • 2 1/2 cups of all purpose flour

  • 1/2 cup of almond flour or whole oats

  • 1 and 1/2 cup of cubed and chilled vegan butter (I am using earth balance brand here)

  • 2 tablespoons of sugar

  • 2-4 tablespoons of chilled plant milk (if needed)

  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

  • pinch of salt

Method for Crust or Tart Shell

1.) Crust: Sift together the flour, sugar, almond flour and salt in a large mixing bowl

2.) Using a fork or your hands start cutting the “cold” butter into the flour. If you have ever made a pie dough this is somewhat similar, you want to incorporate the butter into the flour until you have little pea tendril sized clumps or balls. You want the mixture to become crumbly and resembles coarse meal. Work fast while doing this, you don’t want to melt the butter into the flour but simply create little butter flour balls in the dough.

3.) When you see little strand like crumbles in the dough equally throughout or as best as possible . Start adding 1 tablespoon of either cold ice water at a time or cold plant milk, vanilla and begin to work dough until it comes together into a ball. It should come together easily without being sticky. Do not overwork the dough.

4.) Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let rest in the refrigerator for up to15 mins. If you don’t want to use the dough right away, you can refrigerate it for up to 2-3 days, or freeze it for up to a month and then thaw overnight in the fridge.

5.) Prepare your 9-inch tart pan tart pan by giving it a little optional grease if it’s not non stick.

6.) Option to choose- to roll out your dough into a 11inch round circle and place in tart pan you can do this by flouring a rolling pan and rolling the dough loosely around it, then unrolling it into the pan. Brush away any excess flour on the surface. Using a sharpe small paring knife trim the edges of the tart pan so it looks even all the way around.

..Or use your hands break up the dough and start smooshing into the tart pan to the sides and bottom evenly, using the back of a measuring cup you can smooth out the bottom and sides. Either method will work. It’s really important you reinforce the corners making sure there is enough dough.

7.) Save excess dough in plastic wrap and keep in fridge.

8.) Refrigerate or freeze you tart crust for up to 30 mins.

Like a pie we will be blind baking this tart shell.

What is Blind Baking ?

Meaning we bake the shell first, and let cool before adding any filling. Typically you fill the tart pan with parchment paper and add either pie weight, rice, or beans.. However a method that I have come to prefer most when making tart shells comes from pastry chef Claire Saffitz.

It’s simple..

9.) Remove chilled tart from freezer or fridge and line with aluminum foil-press carefully around the bottom and sides you can use a measuring cup to reinforce that its pressed evenly. Be gentle. See picture below.

10. Add tart to a preheated oven that is set to 375 and bake for up to 20 mins until foil has lifted from the topp and sides are starting to slightly change color.

11. Remove the tart from oven let cool slightly and carefully remove the foil from top. You must be careful you don’t want the dough to rip off the foil so be gentle. Transfer back into over and let bake for another 4-5 mins.

12. Remove fully baked tart shell and let cool.

12.) If you see some cracking using your fingers take excess dough and using the littlest amount full in and major cracks with the raw dough. Justing filling in the cracks slightly and gently.

Making a Vegan Custard



  • 4.5 cups of coconut milk

  • 6 tablespoons of cornstarch

  • 3 tsp of vanilla extract 

  • 3/4 cup maple syrup 

  • 2.5 tsp of turmeric 

Optional the smallest pinch of black salt for eggy flavor. 


  1. Add all ingredients to a pot and mix throughly with a whisk. Whisk vigorously to combine the cornstarch.

  2. Then place pot on a stove and set to medium heat. Using a rubber spatula or whisk, stir for 10-15 mins on medium to high heat as mixture thickens.

  3. Remove from heat let cool as it cools the mixture will thicken. Then transfer to a container and let set in fridge for 10-20 mins. 

Lets Fill the Tart Shell


1.) Microwave for 15 sec 4 tablespoon of your favorite jam or preserves with 1 tablespoon of water should be warm mix to combine and smother on the bottom of the tart shell. Save some for brushing the top of the fruit later.

2.) Add the chilled custard into the tart shell

3.) Add fruit to the top of the custard in any manner you like and brush with the fruit preserve syrup.